Casey Topp

Designer, leader, person this website is named after

I'm a 21 year old leader and designer from Western Ohio.

I'm highly feedback driven, with a commitment to UX and a passion for nitty-gritty design. I love to create and iterate and I have a passion for games and visual design.

Contact and Links

Places to find me and ways to get in touch.


Casey Topp is a designer, software developer, and leader from Northwest Ohio, with a passion for user experience and iteration based on feedback. His inspirations range from indie video games to online documentary series to driving through the midwestern countryside. In his free time he of course enjoys playing games, as well as collecting defunct trading card sets, studying graphic design, and writing in the third person.

If you would like to get in contact with me further, have any questions about the site materials, or would like to make a suggestion about the site, my contact information can be found on the sidebar.

Otherwise, I hope you enjoy and find this site to be helpful!

Last updated 5/1/24